Wooden knife sharper than steel: a new development of scientists

Wooden knife sharper than steel: a new development of scientists

27 March 2022, 7:00
A source: © techno.nv
Researchers at the University of Maryland have created an innovative material - a hardened form of natural wood that is suitable for making knives and nails.

The development of the material was led by a study by scientists, during which they tried to increase the strength of the tree using cellulose. The composition of natural wood contains from 40 to 50 percent of cellulose. Its density exceeds the density of technical materials such as polymers, ceramics and metals.

But some of the components of wood, on the contrary, reduce its strength (hemicellulose, lignin). Scientists have found a creative solution. They eliminated the “weak” components from the wood, and left the cellulose.

“First, we delignify wood. And then we press it in a hot way. With the help of heat and pressure, all the water comes out of the tree and it becomes strong,” shared Dan Lee (senior researcher).

One of the important stages of the process is the coating of the workpiece with a special mineral-based oil. It ensures the sharpness of the blade and protects it from the effects of water.

According to the researchers, a knife made of hardened wood is 3 times stronger than a similar product made of steel. Scientists also made nails from this material. They are as sharp as regular blades, yet rust-resistant.

The authors believe that an alternative form of ceramics and steel will soon become mainstream. And while the innovative material is not widely available, we offer to buy knives from the usual, but time-tested materials in this section.
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