Decoration for children's room: hedgehog sock

Decoration for children's room: hedgehog sock

11 April 2019, 22:53
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Houseplants can be seen in almost every home. They give joy all year round, when you want freshness and bright colors. For the children's room, you can create a funny sculpture in the form of an animal, for which the child will be happy to watch.
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For this green hedgehog you need to pick up a bright sock, grass seeds, soil and a plate on which all this will lie. Eyes a hedgehog can be done from buttons or big beads. The sock is better to take thicker and without the holes. Inside it is necessary to fill up the soil mixed with seeds for the lawn. The sock can be tightened with an elastic band or sew with a thread and tied part down to put on a plate. After this, we recommend a little more work on the animal, giving it the right shape, and then pour water. From now on, the care of the hedgehog can be entrusted to the baby. He periodically throws animal and watching how the
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