Opel released the van in a single copy

Opel released the van in a single copy

30 May 2019, 23:50
A source: © news.infocar.ua
Photo © news.infocar.ua

Opel showed a new van Zafira Life O-Team, which will not go into mass production. This is a one-time project, thanks to which the developers remember how the model looked like GMC Vandura 1983, which was used in the filming of the series "Team A".
Photo © news.infocar.ua

Between the two machines in technical terms, little in common, but the resemblance is obvious. The novelty is painted in two main colors and is equipped with a spoiler mounted on the roof. Instead black and red appeared white, blue and a bit green neon spin.
Photo © news.infocar.ua

Inside is a 2-liter diesel engine assembled by Opel team. The 8-speed automatic transmission works together with the engine. The power of the new item is 174 HP at 400 Nm of torque.
Photo © news.infocar.ua
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