Battista Pininfarina launched the sale

Battista Pininfarina launched the sale

8 June 2019, 23:29
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Pininfarina announced that sales of electric hypercar Battista have started. Now buyers can make a pre-order, as the first copies will appear only in 2020. In total, the company will produce 150 cars. 50 of them will appear in Europe, 50 will gather for North America, the rest for Asian countries. The cost of the car will be at least $ 2.5 million.
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Pininfarina Battista was first shown this year in Geneva. The car belongs to the class of Grand Turing – cars in this category are equipped with electric motors, the total power of which is 1900 HP To a speed of 100 km/h the car accelerates for 2 seconds, and the maximum speed is 350 km/h.
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