
The Briton creates sculptural compositions from sea stones (Photo)
The Briton creates sculptural compositions from sea stones (Photo)
Sculptures from sea stones are invented and realized by the British artist John Foreman. And, despite their fragility, they are beautiful. Externally, sculptures by John Foreman resemble flowers. Flowers "grown" on the seashore. These are amazingly...
12 December 2020, 12:48
Skiing, snow and adventure: fans of extreme recreation talk about their hobby
Skiing, snow and adventure: fans of extreme recreation talk about their hobby
Winter tourism can be just as exciting as summer tourism. The only difference is that these are not hot countries with beaches, but mountain peaks with snow. Fans of extreme recreation told how to prepare for it. Tourism in winter can be conditionally...
11 December 2020, 17:43
Spanish sculptor creates in an unusual manner (Photo)
Spanish sculptor creates in an unusual manner (Photo)
The creation of a steampunk sculptor is a hobby of the Spaniard Thomas Barcelo. He performs his work in a very unusual technique. Outwardly, they resemble classic statues of antiquity, to which a little retro-futurism is added. The main material is...
10 December 2020, 16:52
Weapons in miniature: the master introduced his hobby (Photo)
Weapons in miniature: the master introduced his hobby (Photo)
Miniature weapons are created by a master gunsmith named Alexander Perfilyev. This man has already devoted more than 30 years to his hobby. He shares his best works online. Outwardly, Alexander's works look like real weapon. But their scale is minimal...
9 December 2020, 16:25
DreamWorks Animator Creates Cartoon Cupcakes (Photo)
DreamWorks Animator Creates Cartoon Cupcakes (Photo)
Cartoon cupcakes with a 3D effect are invented and realized by DreamWorks studio animator Fernando Abarka. On sweets, they come out as real. Among the works of Fernanda are many characters from famous cartoons. This is Elsa from "Cold Heart", and Night...
8 December 2020, 23:44
Paints with water, stencil and decoupage are methods of painting fabrics that are popular with enthusiasts (Video)
Paints with water, stencil and decoupage are methods of painting fabrics that are popular with enthusiasts (Video)
Painting on fabric is not only an exciting hobby, but also a way to decorate your clothes in an unusual way. Agree, huge peonies or fantastic dragons look pretty interesting. The methods used for painting fabric are different. But, as a rule, three are...
7 December 2020, 16:50
It's not just buying an expensive metal detector - a search engine about your hobby
It's not just buying an expensive metal detector - a search engine about your hobby
Instrumental search is a hobby that is finding more and more fans. An experienced search engine shared his advice. Before starting to engage in instrumental search, you should understand that this is not only the purchase of an expensive metal detector...
5 December 2020, 18:17
Threads, hooks and some sweets - handmade voluminous food design (Photo)
Threads, hooks and some sweets - handmade voluminous food design (Photo)
Three-dimensional embroidery resembling sweets and other food products is a hobby of a Japanese needlewoman. A woman creates under the nickname in port. Outwardly, her work is represented by embroidered items depicted on the fabric. The only difference...
4 December 2020, 19:08
Painted balls, carved cardboard and wooden figures - do-it-yourself creative Christmas toys (Photo)
Painted balls, carved cardboard and wooden figures - do-it-yourself creative Christmas toys (Photo)
New Year's toys have already started filling shop windows. And in some countries, they are already decorating Christmas trees. And for those who want to go the other way - examples of enthusiasts who have created Christmas decorations with their own...
3 December 2020, 16:41
Cycling: Three Reasons Why Choose This Hobby?
Cycling: Three Reasons Why Choose This Hobby?
Cycling is an outlet for many. And, despite the fact that it is ranked as a professional sport, most people see it as a hobby. Enthusiasts shared three reasons why they should start practicing. The first reason lies in the health benefits. Riding a...
2 December 2020, 9:35
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