
Polysyllabic button mosaics: Anna Carrington's hobby
Polysyllabic button mosaics: Anna Carrington's hobby
It would seem that what is unusual is sewing on a button? An artist from Britain named Anna Carrington proved that this action can be a real art. From ordinary buttons, the craftswoman creates complex mosaics, the beauty of which can be compared with...
11 June 2022, 21:40
The most difficult puzzle in the world
The most difficult puzzle in the world
One popular way to entertain yourself in your free time is to collect puzzles. According to scientists, puzzles improve brain activity and memory, stimulate fantasy and logical thinking. This type of leisure also has a positive effect on the nervous...
20 May 2022, 18:30
Edible sculptures from a Japanese master: the perfection of ancient art
Edible sculptures from a Japanese master: the perfection of ancient art
Amezaiku is the traditional Japanese art of making candy figurines. This trend originated in the 8th century. In the hands of artist Shinri Tezuka, sucking candies turn into real works of art. The master's creations are made from a mixture that...
26 April 2022, 10:00
Masterpieces from aluminum cans: an unusual American hobby
Masterpieces from aluminum cans: an unusual American hobby
The American artist Noah Deledda is engaged in the original art form. In the hands of a native of Michigan, drink cans turn into real works of art. The master creates multi-faceted sculptures from aluminum cans using a technology that he developed...
12 April 2022, 17:00
Dutch designer creates ceramic jewelry
Dutch designer creates ceramic jewelry
Gezin Hackenberg is a designer from Amsterdam, who is known to almost all owners of Dutch antique shops. The artist purchases vintage products from them: porcelain saucers, old sugar bowls, glasses, etc. But he does this not for the purpose of drinking...
27 March 2022, 21:00
A fragile hobby or how an enthusiast restores insect wings
A fragile hobby or how an enthusiast restores insect wings
Costume designer Romy McCloskey has an unusual hobby. The girl's hobby not only gives her tremendous pleasure, but also gives her a chance for a full existence and benefit to living organisms. Romy is looking for "monarch" butterflies with broken wings...
23 March 2022, 19:00
Unique art or dental carving
Unique art or dental carving
Carving on various materials has become popular since ancient times. From time immemorial, people have created various objects from bones, deer horns, fangs and teeth of animals. And these things in the hands of skilled craftsmen turned into real...
21 March 2022, 12:00
Aluminum masterpieces: how an artist creates wire sculptures
Aluminum masterpieces: how an artist creates wire sculptures
Brooklyn-based artist Song Mo Pak creates incredible art objects from ordinary aluminum wire based on fiberglass blanks. The sculptures of the Korean are simply mesmerizing with their beauty. One of the last projects of the craftsman was called "Human"...
18 March 2022, 12:00
Master class from Okho: do-it-yourself crafts from disks
Master class from Okho: do-it-yourself crafts from disks
The time when the compact disc served as a source of information has sunk into oblivion. But many still have hundreds of unnecessary plastic copies left. Having shown a little imagination and desire, you can create amazing decorations for decorating...
15 March 2022, 16:00
The second life of tires: installations by a South Korean craftsman
The second life of tires: installations by a South Korean craftsman
South Korean sculptor Ji Yong Ho draws attention to environmental issues with his work. The peculiarity of Gee's creations lies in the unusual nature of the material. The sculptures are made from car and bicycle tires. The artist independently collects...
28 February 2022, 11:00
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