Scientists have come up with a device that stores a damaged liver for a week (Information Graphics)

Scientists have come up with a device that stores a damaged liver for a week (Information Graphics)

14 January 2020, 13:59
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Scientists from the University of Zurich came up with an innovative device that can support the vital functions of the liver and other large organs for one week.

Instead of looking for a way to stop the metabolism in the tissues of the organ, biologists have created conditions in which the organ works in familiar conditions. Studies describing the work published in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

The main approach to the preservation of donor organs is to reversibly stop the metabolism. In the case of the liver and other large organs, this can be done no more than 12-18 hours. Often this time is not enough to deliver the organ to the transplant site.

The device, created by specialists from Zurich, is a cavity in which the natural conditions of the body of a mammal are imitated, and artificial blood is constantly pumped through the donor organ.

“The success of this unique system paves the way for many new vectors in the development of transplantology. Now we can repair the damaged liver, remove fat from it, or even grow new organs from its fragments,” said Pierre-Alain Clavien, lead author of the study.

The first tests were conducted on swine liver samples. The organ was stored in the device for a week. The transplantation operation was successful — the liver retained its functions and took root in the recipient's body.

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