NASA tested a rover that will search for water in space

NASA tested a rover that will search for water in space

15 January 2020, 13:50
A source: ©
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has tested the device that will search for water on other celestial bodies. The launch of the rover is scheduled for 2022.

Specialists of the department are preparing the all-terrain vehicle VIPER for the exploration of the south pole of the moon. Therefore, to test it, they used the Lunar Operations Modeling Studio (SLOPE) of the Glenn Research Center. This place mimics the surface of the moon and other planets, reports Engadget.

Externally, the rover resembles a golfcar. It is equipped with four instruments, one of which is a drill for examining wet surfaces in order to find water. This drill will allow you to save planetary soil even after manipulating it for further research.

In addition to finding water, the all-terrain vehicle will study the soil. The effect on them of temperature and sunlight. In the future, these data will help to create detailed maps of the studied areas.

NASA does not name the exact launch date of the rover. This will happen only after all the necessary tests have been completed.

It was previously reported that the fighter Tejas Navy, Indian-made, first landed on an aircraft carrier. Landing was carried out as part of flight tests on January 11, 2020.
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