Former jeweler covered his car with 400 thousand strasses

Former jeweler covered his car with 400 thousand strasses

12 February 2020, 18:32
A source: ©
Rhinestones have become a decoration of a convertible of a former jeweler from the UK. In total, he installed about 400 thousand stones on the car.

More than six months of work and about 400 thousand strasses were needed to glue the body and interior of the Toyota brand cabriolet. The story of the British posted by The Sun on his Twitter account.

According to the driver, this work was not easy. Already ending with pasting with rhinestones of the body, he practically hated shiny stones. Now the former jeweler does not yet know what he will do with the car. While he just rides on it, drawing attention to himself and his creation.

According to the publication, the cost of strass depends on the material from which they are made. So, for example, Swarovski crystals are several times more expensive than usual because of the high-quality composition.

Earlier it was reported that the UK government plans to postpone the ban on the sale of new diesel and gasoline cars from 2040 to 2035. The authorities came to this decision after a speech by experts on the environmental situation in the country.
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