On the island of Java, the eruption of the most active volcano began (Video)

On the island of Java, the eruption of the most active volcano began (Video)

13 February 2020, 13:51
A source: © xinhuanet.com
The eruption of the volcano, the most active in Indonesia, occurred yesterday. A pillar of smoke and ash was released from the crater to a height of almost 2 thousand meters.

The eruption was recorded in central Indonesia on the island of Java. It was one of the country's most active volcanoes - the Merapi volcano, informs "Xinhua".

The local population, like tourists, was forbidden to approach the place of the explosion at a distance closer than three kilometers. All island rescue services are on high alert.

Last month, eruption of Mexico’s most active volcano — Popocatepetl volcano. 268 exits consisting of water vapor, volcanic gases and low ash content were recorded.

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