Facebook presented a service for poor countries. It only loads text

Facebook presented a service for poor countries. It only loads text

7 May 2020, 17:57
A source: © techcrunch.com
The social network Facebook introduced the new Discover service, which allows residents of poor countries to access text content. Each user will be able to receive up to 10 MB of free traffic per day.

The service began with Peru, with cooperation with local mobile operators — Bitel, Claro, Entel and Movistar. In the future, Facebook plans to introduce Discover in other countries, increasing the amount of traffic per person per day up to 20 mb, passes Techcrunch.

You can use the Internet through a special application of the Android OS or through a mobile browser. Discover will not download anything other than textual content.

It is noted that the mobile operators of each country will decide independently how much traffic will be allocated per user per day.

Previously, Facebook launched new features for privacy protection. This allows users to check the settings for this parameter and make changes as necessary.
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