Unknown object found by scientists between a neutron star and a black hole

Unknown object found by scientists between a neutron star and a black hole

24 June 2020, 12:18
A source: © iopscience.iop.org
Scientists from the American Astronomical Society have discovered an unknown object that is located between black holes and neutron stars. It was revealed after a second study of the gravitational burst GW190814, which the LIGO and VIRGO gravitational wave detectors recorded in August 2019.

After studying the gravitational burst, astronomers found that the cause was the activity of an unusual light black hole and an object of unknown nature. The mass of the latter is between black holes and neutron stars. The results of are published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

According to one of the authors of the project, this event is unique for two reasons. Firstly, the mass of objects that participated in the burst is very different: a black hole is 23 times heavier than the Sun, and a star is 2.6 times. Secondly, the first indicator is record low, and the second goes far beyond the boundaries of the maximum mass of neutron stars.

Astronomers hope that their study will help to understand what is between black holes and neutron stars.

Previously, researchers using the eROSITA telescope presented a new x-ray map of starry sky. They were able to actually double the number of known x-ray sources discovered over 60 years of observation.
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