British artist creates three-dimensional wire sculptures (Photo)

British artist creates three-dimensional wire sculptures (Photo)

27 January 2021, 22:54
A source: ©
Wire sculptures are created by an artist from Great Britain Kendra Hasti using simple tools. Her work is incredibly realistic.

In her work, the Briton resorts to the use of a special wire, which is wound in a certain way on the frame. Visually, it turns out that these are animals that are enveloped in a metal blanket. The wire was not chosen by chance.

This material has sufficient flexibility, stability and lightness. In addition, it allows you to most accurately embody the creative ideas of Kendra Hasti.

Working with the wire is preceded by a detailed study of the behavior of the animals, which the British plans to portray. She watches facial expressions, gestures, and interactions with other members of her class for a long time.

Along the way, Kendra Hasti makes sketches. After preparatory work on paper and observations, the woman proceeds to the preparation of the material and tools. All work is carried out in the workshop, so there are no problems with this. Pliers, hammers and wires of different diameters are always at hand.

The only difficulty can arise with large-scale wire sculptures. For example, with giraffes, the growth of which can exceed a two-story house. But the British artist is still coping with all the tasks.

OXO has previously written about an Italian artist who uses broken tiles for his installations

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