Underwater depths and mysterious forests - handmade dioramas by the artist from the USA (Photo)

Underwater depths and mysterious forests - handmade dioramas by the artist from the USA (Photo)

9 February 2021, 19:49
A source: © fastory.ru
American artist Alison May Keefoot's hobby is creating handmade dioramas. In them, she tries to display all the beauty of nature.

The plots of the paintings are all sorts of mysterious places. These are the depths of the oceans, and forest glades, and snow-capped mountain peaks. Each piece should have a bit of mystery.

The American starts creating the plot with a sketch. On paper, she schematically depicts the future diorama. Thinks through the details and imagines what the final version of the diorama will look like.

The next step is preparing the materials. Diorama container - wooden or cardboard frame. Sometimes it is glued on four sides, leaving the inside open.

Then Alison May Keefoot places the pre-prepared compositional details inside this cardboard or wooden box. These can be parts cut from paper or wood. They are glued to the frame wall.

Some details of the composition are flexible. They are attached with laces or threads. It turns out that birds fly and fish swim. Even the moon "floats" serenely against the background of a cloudless sky.

The artist is especially successful in creating views of the night forest. Alison May Keefoot loves to portray plants and animals. For example, hares or wolves that watch the moon.

The artist has exhibited her works more than once. And she did it in different parts of her country. She even receives offers to travel outside the United States. But she doesn't want to do it yet.

Read also: British artist creates volumetric sculptures from wire (Photo)

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru
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