Accuracy, attention and precision - masters of artistic knife carving

Accuracy, attention and precision - masters of artistic knife carving

4 March 2021, 20:58
A source: ©
Artistic carving is one of the types of applied art that allows you to give objects a certain appearance with the help of tools. But here we must not forget about the aesthetic component. With regard to knives, the thread is used for both the handle and the blade.

Artistic carving can be used to give the appearance of both existing and fictional characters. Or you can use abstract patterns, symbols. For example, in some cultures, decorating weapons with artistic carvings is one of the prerequisites that helps to nurture a military spirit in young soldiers.

One of the carving techniques is decorating the top of the knife handle. In this case, the handle itself is not affected. As a rule, these are the heads of animals - tigers, wolves or bears. The main part gradually passes from the pommel to the handle with sub-finger grooves.

Models look harmonious in which the handle and blade complement each other. They are carried out in a single theme. For example, the handle is ebony wood with walruses engraved on it, and the steel part adorns the base.

An alternative approach is the shallow art carving of the main hilt. The embossed ornament in this case increases the adhesion of the two parts of the knife to each other. In this case, fossil mammoth tusks or something similar is used as a pen.

Typically, knives with artistic carvings are used as exhibits in a collection or as a souvenir. In everyday life, they are practically not involved. But this does not prevent them from being so sharp that you can cut your hair in half.

OXO recently talked about an artist from Beijing who creates knives with connotations.
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