I twist, twirl, I want to confuse - lovers about the types of hula-hoop

I twist, twirl, I want to confuse - lovers about the types of hula-hoop

11 March 2021, 17:02
A source: © cosmo.ru
A hoop or hula-hoop is a sports equipment that gives fun and a great figure. Spinning fans talked about their hobby.

The sports equipment attracts, first of all, women. After all, in pursuit of a thin waist, they are ready for anything. Hours of training give results. But the main thing is to choose the right shell.

Simple hoops are plastic or metal lightweight models that are most often used by children in physical education lessons. Such projectiles are suitable for acrobatic compositions or games.

Weighted variations give a load, but it is negligible. Special metal rods are inserted inside such a projectile, which affects the weight.

Folding hoops are made up of several elements. They can be carried in sports bags, backpacks, since the model can be disassembled or folded 2-4 times. But design features affect weight. Folding hoop models are not heavy.

Massage hoops are equipped with special balls that, during twisting, affect the muscles of the back, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Such equipment was invented specifically for fitness training.

Often, massage hoops are equipped with electronic sensors that record the duration of the workout, the number of revolutions, calories, etc.

There is nothing complicated in the technique of twisting the hoop. Even if the first time it was not possible to "launch" the shell at the waist, after a few workouts everything will work out. The main thing is not to stop studying. After all, regularity is important here.

To see the first results, it is enough to twist up to 15 minutes a day.

Recently OXO reported about another sports hobby - golf.
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