Recognizing wet fingers: Apple patented new technology

Recognizing wet fingers: Apple patented new technology

6 April 2021, 18:25
A source: ©
Apple has found a way to combat a long-standing problem: wet fingers. The patented technology will allow you to control the user's pressing force.

New technology will equip new screens. The user will be able to activate it even with a light touch of a finger. Even the slightest pressure will allow you to determine the points of contact.

The company's development patent also describes a calibration algorithm that provides an understanding of whether the manipulation is actually performed by a person, or this is another effect. It is anticipated that the program will self-study in the future.

The developers of Apple are planning to use the new technology to create sub-screen sensors. So that the smartphone can recognize even a wet fingerprint of the owner.

Previously, the company had already developed something similar - 3DTouch technology, which provided additional manipulations with the smartphone interface. Opening the context menu, fingerprint scanner. But over time, the technology was abandoned, ceasing to be used in devices of new generations.

Information about the patent of the new technology appeared in a blog on the company's website. After the publication of the material, both positive and negative reviews followed. The latter were fewer.

Most users were enthusiastic about the technology patent information. After all, this is a sure step towards waterproofing Apple smartphones. The ability to fully use the device in damp and humid conditions.

At this stage, testing of the technology continues. Representatives of the company promised to notify about their results.

It was recently reported that iPhone can be disabled.
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