Beyoncé talks about her hobby

Beyoncé talks about her hobby

3 May 2021, 23:08
A source: ©
American soul diva Beyoncé said that music is not her only hobby. The performer became interested in beekeeping.

Beyoncé loves to breed bees, receive natural honey from insects and enjoy the product while drinking tea. It is especially interesting to observe the creation of hives and their filling with bees.

Now the American celebrity has two hives, in which about 80 thousand bees live. Winged insects produce nearly a hundred cans of honey a year.

The reason for the hobby for beekeeping was the allergy of Beyoncé's children to flowering plants and tropical fruits. The singer believes that a natural product created on her own strengthens the immunity of children. And the endless list of healing effects adds to the benefits of honey.

Beyoncé thinks that beekeeping is interesting not only from the point of view of medicine and effects on the body. Building hives, raising bees, and caring for them are excellent soothing agents. Antidepressant analogs.

Along the way, the performer had to create gardens near the house so that the bees could pollinate them. Trees, flower beds and small fields help the insects create honey for the Beyoncé family.

The pandemic has caused the discovery of different hobbies in people. Perhaps this was due to the time that a person began to spend more at home. Many have discovered a talent for blogging, cooking, or gardening.

The American star settled on beekeeping. And he does not regret a bit that he spends a lot of time near the hives.

Previously, OXO reported on large-scale land art by Stan Heard.
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