Korean designer sculpts sculptures from old tires

Korean designer sculpts sculptures from old tires

13 May 2021, 19:15
A source: © artboom.info
Sculptures from old tires are created by the Korean artist Yong Ho Ji. The man has been fond of this hobby for the past three years.

In his work, the Korean uses rubber strips cut from unusable tires, and synthetic resins.

On a pre-prepared steel wire frame, Yong Ho Ji winds rubber strips, gradually coating them with resin. After applying 15-20 balls of rubber, bizarre figures of existing and fictional animals appear.

Regardless of whether the artist plans to portray a real or fictional creature, it all starts with a sketch. On a piece of paper, Yong Ho Ji makes sketches, subsequently adjusting the size and shape of individual body elements.

Difficulties often arise with fictional creatures. Yong Ho Ji sometimes unites a person with an animal or a bird in images. A man with a roe deer head or a woman with owl wings.

The sculptures of the Korean convey a message to humanity about the need to protect the environment. This is a kind of reminder that people are not the only living creatures on the planet, and this must be taken into account.

The artist's works have already gained not only recognition in Korea. They are also known outside the country. Yong Ho Ji's sculptures are often exhibited in galleries in New York, London, Berlin, Tokyo and other cities.

And for those who do not have the opportunity to see the waste rubber sculptures in person, there are social networks and the Yong Ho Jia website. He not only shows, but also often tells how he creates his real and fictional animals.

Recently it was reported about a Canadian who creates miniature masterpieces from coins.

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Photo © artboom.info
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