Extreme hobby: motorcyclists told how to choose a helmet

Extreme hobby: motorcyclists told how to choose a helmet

28 May 2021, 19:35
A source: © synergosmoto.com
Choosing the first helmet for a motorcycle is an exciting experience. Motorcyclists told what to pay attention to so that fast driving brings only pleasure.

It's worth starting with the type of helmet. There are five types of head and face protectors. The most popular is the fullface or integral. It is chosen by fans of racing and safety. It is a one-piece construction that fully protects the head and is complemented by a visor.

Composites and thermoplastics are used as materials for the helmet. The first option, due to the addition of carbon fiber, is lightweight and shockproof. The cover of such a helmet is a layer-by-layer combination of fiberglass, Kevlar and carbon fiber. Thermoplastic helmets are less durable and resistant to deformation.

From the point of view of size, you should select the protection very accurately. With the wrong choice, the equipment function is reduced to zero. Having measured the circumference of the head, you should use the dimensional grid: a certain diameter corresponds to a fixed size.

If you buy a helmet with a visor - a protective glass for the eyes, the latter must be subjected to a detailed examination. And then change it when chips and cracks are detected, which reduce visibility on the road. Tinted visors are best left for sunny weather. With the onset of twilight, visibility decreases significantly with it.

The scenery also takes place. But this already depends on the personal preferences of the helmet wearer. As a rule, experienced motorcyclists choose something frightening - horns, monster faces. Women are prone to braids, ears and more.

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