American artist moved the streets of New York to the kitchen walls

American artist moved the streets of New York to the kitchen walls

1 June 2021, 22:56
A source: ©
Decorating walls with black paints is a hobby of an American artist. The guy painted the walls of his own kitchen.

He used a black marker and painted skyscrapers, small streets, restaurants and cafeterias on the surface of the white walls. But in the fictional world of the American, not only New York sights are drawn. The Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, Big Ben and the Taj Mahal stand against the backdrop of the branched streets.

All the architectural structures painted on the wall are incredibly detailed. Each design can be seen even under a magnifying glass. But in this case, everything will be like the original.

The work of painting the white wall of the kitchen for the American artist took a little over three weeks. First, the guy selected those attractions that he would like to see in his kitchen. Pre-sketched sketches in a working notebook.

Then, using a pencil, I painted the future image on the wall. This stage helped to see the flaws of the picture, areas that are too saturated with structures. I had to move or remove them altogether during execution.

At the end of the rough work, the stage of drawing a black marker on the previously prepared lines began. Errors had to be corrected with a proofreader and a white marker. As soon as unnecessary elements appeared, the artist quickly corrected them.

Before covering the walls, the guy took out all the kitchen furniture. He planned to bring her back to her place. But at the end of his painting, he decided that he simply could not hide his work with kitchen cabinets, a refrigerator, and so on.

Previously, OXO wrote about a married couple who creates original art objects.

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