
Fingerprint scanner anywhere on the screen: Xiaomi's new development
Fingerprint scanner anywhere on the screen: Xiaomi's new development
Fingerprint scanners are in high demand today. But they have a significant disadvantage: most often the device is “tied” to one specific place on the body or screen of the gadget. Xiaomi has come up with a solution to this problem. She received a patent...
22 January 2022, 19:00
Radian presented the project of the aircraft with horizontal takeoff and landing
Radian presented the project of the aircraft with horizontal takeoff and landing
The American company Radian announced the start of construction of a single-stage spacecraft that can take off and land vertically. If the test tests are successful, then by the end of the decade, its mass production will begin. Outwardly, the ship...
21 January 2022, 22:00
Fossil age 164 million years: archaeologists have found a plant of record age
Fossil age 164 million years: archaeologists have found a plant of record age
Chinese researchers have discovered a fossilized plant that leads scientists to interesting thoughts. Ideas about the evolution of individual plant species can be changed. The find is one of the earliest specimens of a flower bud that "froze" in a...
20 January 2022, 21:00
Robot cat serves customers in British restaurants
Robot cat serves customers in British restaurants
A UK-based Chinese restaurant chain has decided to replace waiters with robotic cats. A similar measure was initiated in connection with quarantine conditions. Visually, this is a one and a half meter device with a monitor that depicts a cat's muzzle...
19 January 2022, 21:00
Plastic from sugar: scientists have created an environmentally friendly product
Plastic from sugar: scientists have created an environmentally friendly product
American and British researchers have proposed using sugar-based substances to develop plastic. Such alcohol solutions can sometimes add unique properties to materials. The development is based on compounds that were created on the basis of sugar...
18 January 2022, 21:00
Fold in four: Samsung showed the project of a new laptop
Fold in four: Samsung showed the project of a new laptop
The South Korean company Samsung has submitted a patent in which each part of the developed device is folded in half. This is a pilot version of the new laptop. On a portable computer, you can remove the screen and divide all its parts in two. So the...
17 January 2022, 21:00
Electric field to accelerate plant growth: a new development of scientists
Electric field to accelerate plant growth: a new development of scientists
A group of scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences proved that the growth of crops can be stimulated artificially. Namely, with the help of an electric field. Researchers led by Jianjun Luo grew peas in greenhouse conditions. Some of the plants...
16 January 2022, 19:00
Car tires will no longer deflate and puncture: Hankook's new development
Car tires will no longer deflate and puncture: Hankook's new development
The situation in which a tire bursts at the most inopportune time is familiar to many motorists. Naturally, any damage to the wheels, as well as the entire car, causes negative emotions in the owner. After all, even without it, there are enough problems...
15 January 2022, 19:00
Cadillac showed the concept of a drone
Cadillac showed the concept of a drone
Cadillac at one of the recent specialized exhibitions showed a conceptual version of a new electric car. The car is positioned as a drone. The novelty looks like it just left the site where they filmed a fantastic movie. The steering wheel was replaced...
14 January 2022, 21:00
Giant dinosaur remains found in Argentina
Giant dinosaur remains found in Argentina
Argentine paleontologists have discovered traces of an ancient herbivorous pangolin in the country. According to preliminary data, he died almost 100 million years ago and belonged to the four-legged dinosaurs that inhabited the Earth in the Triassic...
13 January 2022, 21:00
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