Short-lived and epic — sand sculptures that deserve to become museum exhibits (Photo)
Short-lived and epic — sand sculptures that deserve to become museum exhibits (Photo)
Sand sculpture is always striking in its fragility. Although many masters just focus on the fleetingness of this art form. Their works can not be enjoyed for long: after all, water and wind do their job. Sand sculptors spend tons of material and hours...
18 May 2020, 12:28
CBS will remove a new series on
CBS will remove a new series on
Star Trek, an American sci-fi media franchise, will make itself felt again. Channel CBS plans to create a new series on it. The new series will cover events decades before Kirk became captain of the Enterprise ship. It will get the name: Star Trek...
18 May 2020, 11:59
Chinese police helmets will be able to measure temperature (Video)
Chinese police helmets will be able to measure temperature (Video)
Helmets for police in China automatically measure temperature at a distance of about two meters. The manufacturer notes that their devices are already in demand in several European countries. Chinese police, medical personnel and transport workers now...
17 May 2020, 16:10
Material can be created from graphene — research
Material can be created from graphene — research
When two sheets of graphene are connected at a certain angle, the resulting material becomes either a very efficient conductor or an excellent insulator. Graphene has already established itself as an amazing and versatile material. In a new study...
17 May 2020, 16:03
BYD Auto presented the longest electric bus
BYD Auto presented the longest electric bus
Chinese automaker BYD Auto presented a fully electric bus that is 27 meters long and can carry up to 250 passengers. The K12A was introduced at BYD Auto's headquarters in Shenzhen, China. This model was developed for high-speed bus transport systems...
17 May 2020, 15:57
Fragmented layout and open space — bachelor’s apartment in Taiwan (Photo)
Fragmented layout and open space — bachelor’s apartment in Taiwan (Photo)
The building is located in the center of the street and faces windows in all directions. Due to this, a fragmentary layout is formed in each apartment. Therefore, architects discovered the inner space. The architects of KC Design Studio believe that...
17 May 2020, 15:42
Forged from the wreckage — Sculptures from scrap metal sculptor from the USA (Photo)
Forged from the wreckage — Sculptures from scrap metal sculptor from the USA (Photo)
Discarded agricultural tools, forks, spoons, other kitchen utensils, other metal products that are obsolete mentally or physically - these are what the talented US sculptor John Lopez makes his masterpieces from. In the beginning, a master from South...
17 May 2020, 12:55
They recalled the photographs of a photographer who had been undeservedly forgotten (Photo)
They recalled the photographs of a photographer who had been undeservedly forgotten (Photo)
William (Bill) Helburn was born in 1924 and was a contemporary of fashion classics Richard Avedon, Irving Penn and Lilian Bassman. The American fashion photographer filmed for the famous magazines Harper’s Bazaar, LIFE, McCall’s and many others. The...
17 May 2020, 12:10
Solar Orbiter will pass through the tail of comet ATLAS
Solar Orbiter will pass through the tail of comet ATLAS
Solar Orbiter will pass through the tail of the "dead" comet ATLAS. The apparatus for studying the sun will allow you to study a strange space object that began to fall apart. Astronomers hoped to study a comet named ATLAS during its passage through...
17 May 2020, 11:54
Skoda showed a new electric crossover (Video)
Skoda showed a new electric crossover (Video)
Na początku 2020 roku Skoda ogłosiła nazwę swojego pierwszego seryjnego elektrycznego crossovera - model otrzymał oznaczenie Enyaq - a teraz marka odtajniła oficjalne cechy samochodu, który wejdzie na rynek w 2021 roku. Elektryczna zwrotnica będzie...
17 May 2020, 11:25
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