Apple works on over-ear headphones — Media
Apple works on over-ear headphones — Media
According to reporters, the American company intends to introduce the first over-ear headphones. Currently, Apple’s product line includes ultra-popular AirPods wireless headphones, as well as Beats brand headphones owned by an American company. But in...
29 April 2020, 14:26
Hubble telescope shows how Atlas comet falls apart (Video)
Hubble telescope shows how Atlas comet falls apart (Video)
Hubble showed clear shots of the collapse of Comet Atlas. The object was supposed to be the brightest in the last 20 years, but fell apart on approach to the Sun. This is stated in the work of scientists from the University of Maryland, published on the...
29 April 2020, 14:14
UPS will deliver drugs to drones
UPS will deliver drugs to drones
UPS will deliver drugs to remote villages with drones. Prescription drugs will be shipped throughout Florida. The medicine will be delivered by Matternet M2 drones, which can carry payloads weighing up to 2.3 kg over a distance of 20 km. It is planned...
29 April 2020, 14:04
From an abandoned power station to a dream housing: a couple from Australia built an unusual house (Photo)
From an abandoned power station to a dream housing: a couple from Australia built an unusual house (Photo)
Mark and Karen Bartkevicius, Tasmanian residents in Australia, and they turned an abandoned substation into their dream home. The substation was built in the 20s of the last century. However, from the 60s it was no longer used. Mr. Bartkevichus had to...
29 April 2020, 13:44
The craftswoman sculpts toys that are very similar to real animals and birds (Photo)
The craftswoman sculpts toys that are very similar to real animals and birds (Photo)
Anna Yastrezhembovskaya is a real magician when it comes to sculpting toys. Her story began three years ago. The craftswoman saw toys made of unusual material, which, as she later found out, was wool. Anna became so interested in technology that she...
29 April 2020, 13:17
In the Alps created a gigantic picture dedicated to the fight against coronavirus
In the Alps created a gigantic picture dedicated to the fight against coronavirus
French artist Guillaume Legros, better known as Saype, created a huge picture on the grass in the Swiss Alps dedicated to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. New graffiti with an area of ​​more than 3 thousand square meters is called "Out of...
29 April 2020, 12:56
Wrist sensor for diabetes: scientists have developed a
Wrist sensor for diabetes: scientists have developed a
Australian developers have demonstrated a prototype of a personal health sensor that attaches to the skin. Accurate patch data will help the user track the body’s reactions to certain foods and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in the future. To track...
28 April 2020, 18:09
April 29, a huge asteroid approaches Earth
April 29, a huge asteroid approaches Earth
On April 29, a huge asteroid 1998 OR2 will approach Earth. The object will approach our planet at a distance of 6.3 million km, but is not dangerous. 1998 OR2 - near-Earth asteroid from the Amur group, its diameter is 4 km. This is the largest...
28 April 2020, 17:58
Starship is preparing to fly to the moon and Mars
Starship is preparing to fly to the moon and Mars
The Starship spacecraft passed the cryogenic test and soon should fly to a height of 150 m. It is designed to send cargo and people to the moon and Mars. Three previous prototypes did not pass this test, which includes flooding the fuel system with...
28 April 2020, 17:10
Bar in the kitchen: 3 good reasons for its arrangement
Bar in the kitchen: 3 good reasons for its arrangement
The bar in the kitchen allows you to make the space more organized and functional. Immediately resolved the issue of guest accommodation, cooking and activities with children. This is an additional workplace and a place to relax. But not only...
28 April 2020, 16:12
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