Flowers, sweets and bright colors - handmade cookies by a pastry chef from the USA (Photo)
Flowers, sweets and bright colors - handmade cookies by a pastry chef from the USA (Photo)
The handmade cookies are created by California resident Loria Stern. She combines flowers, sweets and bright food colors in her food experiments. First, Loria bakes round cookies from shortcrust pastry. Then he moves on to decorate it. She adds dried...
16 October 2020, 17:31
"Battery" of potatoes and a calculator: youtubers showed how you can get energy for the game (Video)
Extraction of energy using potatoes, nails and a regular calculator is an experiment that youtuber under the nickname Equalo did. He extended his own challenge by starting with a pregnancy test. This time, youtuber has constructed a miniature power...
15 October 2020, 17:40
Designers showed how to
Designers showed how to "fit" a soft coffee table into the interior (Photo)
A soft coffee table gives the living room elegance and sophistication. The designers showed how it can be played with the rest of the furniture. Such tables can be played quite simply with the existing layout. This is largely due to the fact that they...
15 October 2020, 17:30
A ceramist from the United States creates porcelain vases of incredible beauty (Photo)
A ceramist from the United States creates porcelain vases of incredible beauty (Photo)
The American sculptor Jennifer McCurdy manages to create porcelain vases of an unusual appearance. In her works, she shows the surrounding nature using ceramics. In vases American women, you can see spirals of sea shells, and weaving of grape vines...
15 October 2020, 17:11
LG launches first roll-to-roll TV
LG launches first roll-to-roll TV
The South Korean company LG introduces its next novelty to the market. This is an OLED TV that can be rolled up and down. The liquid crystal screen is so thin and flexible that it even looks like a projector screen. When folded, TV will be stored in a...
14 October 2020, 13:44
The Portuguese architect built an 800 sq. m
The Portuguese architect built an 800 sq. m
An architect from Portugal designed and built a cat and dog hotel covering an area of ​​almost 800 square meters. m. This structure is very similar to a human hotel, but it has its own characteristics. Pet Hotel is notable for its architecture and...
14 October 2020, 13:38
Kaluga craftswoman creates bags with delicate embroidery (Photo)
Kaluga craftswoman creates bags with delicate embroidery (Photo)
Handmade bags with skillful embroidery are created by a needlewoman from Kaluga Alexandra Goltsova. With her products, she pays tribute to the nature around her. Bags needlewomen decorate images of animals and birds, as well as plants. Each drawing is...
14 October 2020, 13:18
British engineers conducted the first flight on hydrogen cells
British engineers conducted the first flight on hydrogen cells
A British startup has conducted a test passenger flight on a vehicle that uses hydrogen fuel cells. It lasted almost 20 minutes. For the test flight, a six-seater commercial aircraft was used, which was modified with a new environmentally friendly...
13 October 2020, 10:56
Interior experts told how to choose the color of curtains for the bedroom
Interior experts told how to choose the color of curtains for the bedroom
You can choose curtains for the bedroom based on their different characteristics. Today we will talk about their color. Experts advise choosing curtain colors not for wallpaper, but for furniture. This is convenient from the point of view of economy...
13 October 2020, 10:48
Metal parts and lifelike shapes - American recycling sculptures (Photo)
Metal parts and lifelike shapes - American recycling sculptures (Photo)
Sculptures from seemingly unnecessary scrap metal are collected by American resident Brian Mok. At the exit, his work is pretty realistic. In his sculptures the master uses metal auto parts, parts of old household appliances, small stationery. With...
13 October 2020, 10:27
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