Magic is near: the art of curly paper cutting
Magic is near: the art of curly paper cutting
Every day more and more followers of the art of curly paper cutting appear. The creation of paper masterpieces delights and surprises. OXO will tell about those who professionally own this magic. Stunning portraits and sea creatures are created by...
28 February 2021, 10:00
Indoor decor with indoor plants
Indoor decor with indoor plants
When the window is gray and slush, the soul requires bright colors. You can add spring mood by decorating the interior with plants. But pots with flowers, arranged chaotically, do not always add attractiveness to the house. Sometimes they even simplify...
28 February 2021, 9:54
Rakes, boxes and branches: unusual ideas for creating an organizer
Rakes, boxes and branches: unusual ideas for creating an organizer
Spring is just around the corner. Warm outerwear will go to the closet until the next cold weather, and will be replaced by romantic and light outfits. This means that the finest hour of various decorations will come. Girls will agree that sometimes it...
27 February 2021, 9:43
Tildomania or how rag dolls won the hearts of needlewomen around the world
Tildomania or how rag dolls won the hearts of needlewomen around the world
Exclusivity, conciseness and home-wovenness: do you want to know what unites these words? These are the characteristics that best fit the description of the Tilda doll. Tilda is a stuffed doll with a recognizable conditional silhouette. Its...
27 February 2021, 9:35
British scientists have developed a jellyfish robot
British scientists have developed a jellyfish robot
A team of engineers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Southampton have come up with a robot that moves through the water at a speed previously unattainable. The prototype of the innovative development was the Aurelia aurita - the moon jellyfish...
27 February 2021, 9:30
Sony will unveil its ultra-thin sensor
Sony will unveil its ultra-thin sensor
Sony is in the process of developing a new sensor. It is expected to be used for new mobile cameras. The sensor will be presented in April 2021. It will be the largest sensor in the mobile market - the size will be 1 inch. Such a record figure will be...
26 February 2021, 22:23
Curved silhouette and translucency - Edvard Munch Museum
Curved silhouette and translucency - Edvard Munch Museum
The Estudio Herreros architecture studio is completing the construction of a house for Edvard Munch's works. The work must be completed on time. A two-tiered curved glass building will grace Oslo's refurbished Björvik waterfront. The original...
26 February 2021, 21:59
British artist creates miniature copies of indoor plants (Photo)
British artist creates miniature copies of indoor plants (Photo)
A British artist named Antara makes miniature copies of houseplants out of paper. Her work is difficult to distinguish from the original. In a miniature home flower garden Antara there are more than 20 varieties of indoor flowers. Among them, there are...
26 February 2021, 17:16
Australian startup has figured out how to get moisture out of thin air
Australian startup has figured out how to get moisture out of thin air
The Aqua Aerem startup decided to test a new technology for producing hydrogen. Test trials will begin within a month. The essence of the development consists in capturing hydrogen in air and separating it using hydrolysis. So, through the processing...
25 February 2021, 22:59
Interior designers talk about bold ideas for the living room
Interior designers talk about bold ideas for the living room
The living room is a place to experiment. Here you can try to combine different styles, pieces of furniture and decor. Designers advise to experiment. Experiments in the living room boil down to changing the color of the walls, using furniture...
25 February 2021, 22:17
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