Walls, fences and roofs — locations with meaningful inscriptions of a street artist from Yekaterinburg (Photo)
Walls, fences and roofs — locations with meaningful inscriptions of a street artist from Yekaterinburg (Photo)
The inscriptions filled with deep philosophical meaning are a hobby of street artist Timofey Rady from Yekaterinburg. With them he paints the walls of houses, factories, abandoned buildings. So a young guy is trying to make people think about life. The...
15 June 2020, 15:49
Romanian shepherd accidentally crossed the border with Ukraine with a flock of sheep
Romanian shepherd accidentally crossed the border with Ukraine with a flock of sheep
In Transcarpathia, border guards detained a Romanian citizen who grazed a flock of sheep and did not notice how he crossed the border and ended up in Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the State Border Service of Ukraine. According to...
14 June 2020, 15:07
U.S. engineers create shield for protests
U.S. engineers create shield for protests
The shield protects against LRAD, the sonic weapon the police use to disperse demonstrators. Protests in the USA are supported by programmers and engineers. We already wrote about the program, which allows you to quickly blur the faces of people in the...
14 June 2020, 14:58
New Horizons took photographs at a distance of 7 billion km from the Earth (Video)
New Horizons took photographs at a distance of 7 billion km from the Earth (Video)
New Horizons took photos 7 billion kilometers from Earth. Using these materials, scientists will be able to establish the exact position of celestial bodies and the distance to them. The New Horizon spacecraft took several photos of 7 billion km. from...
14 June 2020, 14:49
Cybertruck proposed to rebuild into a lunar rover
Cybertruck proposed to rebuild into a lunar rover
The concept, which exists only in the figures, received six special wheels and a parabolic antenna. If you think that the Cybertrack from Tesla looks strange, then you just have not seen its version for other planets and natural satellites. Elon Musk...
14 June 2020, 14:37
Cat's house: a family from Brooklyn has created ideal housing for their pets (Photo)
Cat's house: a family from Brooklyn has created ideal housing for their pets (Photo)
Happy cat owners know for sure that the owners in their house are cats, and they are just guests. Someone puts cat houses and claws in the rooms, someone orders special furniture for cats, but a married couple from Brooklyn went even further ... An...
14 June 2020, 14:25
Gold portraits are created by a photographer from the USA (Photo)
Gold portraits are created by a photographer from the USA (Photo)
In the Atonement series of photographs, Tawny Chatmon photographer admires the beauty of black hair with a series of breathtaking portraits lined with 24ct gold. Each photograph depicts a solemn child, dressed in ornate hand-gilded clothes inspired by...
14 June 2020, 13:58
In the parking lot of the museum in New York, the artist painted a mural dedicated to doctors
In the parking lot of the museum in New York, the artist painted a mural dedicated to doctors
A Cuban-American artist, Jorge Rodriguez-Herada, painted a 1,858-square-meter fresco in the parking lot of the Queens Museum, New York. The image scale makes it visible from satellites. This work is a tribute to Latin American medical professionals who...
14 June 2020, 12:59
Processors for iPhone 14 became known
Processors for iPhone 14 became known
Taiwanese company TSMC, which is engaged in the production of semiconductor products, has planned for 2021 the production of 3-nanometer processors for the iPhone 14. Currently, the manufacturer TSMC is working on the creation of processors of a lower...
14 June 2020, 12:46
Turtle migration recorded on the Great Barrier Reef (Video)
Turtle migration recorded on the Great Barrier Reef (Video)
Researchers using a drone filmed how on the Great Barrier Reef, 64,000 green sea turtles migrate to the Rhine Island to lay eggs. "In these images taken from a drone, we see the world's largest migration of green turtles, and this is the largest number...
14 June 2020, 12:29
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