
Metalloopisk: search engines told about their hobby
Metalloopisk: search engines told about their hobby
Metal search is a fascinating hobby. The search engines told why they go out to the cop more and more often. The study of history, the excitement of exploring long-forgotten objects and objects in them, a great pastime - all this is among the...
16 April 2021, 19:54
Briton creates action figures in the style of steampunk
Briton creates action figures in the style of steampunk
British designer Dave Hall combines old mechanical details into steampunk sculptures. Many of them come with movable elements. The Briton doesn't even need to use special workshops. It is enough to use a piece of wood, a coil of wire, a knife and a...
15 April 2021, 18:35
Wooden furniture with original decor - ideas of a British artist
Wooden furniture with original decor - ideas of a British artist
The furniture of a non-standard form is created by the British Annie Evelyn. The artist's works resemble fabulous hemp on legs with flowers. The artist decorates the chairs with flowers on high stems, adds veils of dense fabrics to the chairs, and...
14 April 2021, 16:34
Anatomy Manual: American Knits Prepared Animals
Anatomy Manual: American Knits Prepared Animals
Knitted animals are created by Vermont resident Emily Stoking. Outwardly, they resemble visual aids on anatomy. Frogs, mice, rabbits made of multi-colored threads are placed on wooden and metal surfaces. And, despite the fact that there is little...
13 April 2021, 17:28
A sculptor from the USA creates art objects from rusty nails
A sculptor from the USA creates art objects from rusty nails
American John Bisbee creates bizarre sculptures from nails. The sculptor's art objects are an attempt to reproduce natural landscapes. John Bisbee doesn't just select the perfect nails for his work. Rusty, curved "elements" often have to be used. If...
12 April 2021, 19:45
Sculptures by Olivia Walker: structure and conciseness
Sculptures by Olivia Walker: structure and conciseness
Creativity knows no boundaries. Authors use a wide variety of means and techniques to express themselves. Briton Olivia Walker came up with a special way to show the world her thoughts. She creates original vessels from ceramics, which amaze with their...
11 April 2021, 10:18
Anamorphic Portraits - Contemporary Art by Bernard Praz
Anamorphic Portraits - Contemporary Art by Bernard Praz
Frenchman Bernard Praes is engaged in an unusual form of modern art. He creates amazing volumetric pictures from unnecessary things and household waste. The craftsman collects copies of paintings by world-class artists from found things: glass or tin...
10 April 2021, 10:19
Climbers told what attracts them to the conquest of peaks
Climbers told what attracts them to the conquest of peaks
Mountaineering is a sport and a lifestyle. The climbers told why this is such an exciting hobby. Climbing fosters discipline and dexterity in a person. Ability to plan and achieve results. Discipline is developed through systematic attending training...
9 April 2021, 16:57
Assembled and disassembled - designer-type decorations from French enthusiasts
Assembled and disassembled - designer-type decorations from French enthusiasts
Employees of the French design studio Hintlab experiment with a 3D printer in their free time. This time, the designers create decorations in the likeness of the LEGO constructor. Each decoration consists of movable and fixed parts. One of them is the...
8 April 2021, 11:31
Curled paper and nautical themes - art objects by an American artist
Curled paper and nautical themes - art objects by an American artist
Life-size paintings are created by an artist living in the US state of Virginia Amy Jeners. The main subject of the work is the sea and everything connected with it. The art objects created by the woman use the paper rolling technique called quilling...
7 April 2021, 18:18
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